Skip to content List of accepted publications with PDF links, conference presentations and slides
- Understanding Pakistani Mothers’ Use and Non-Use of Screen Media-based Devices: Gratifications, Strategies, and Design Implications. Neelma Bhatti, Qurba Mushtaque, Aisha Abdul Qadir, Huzaifah Riaz | CHI ’25: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. | pdf | doi
- Using Technology To Improve Awareness, Convenience, And Communication About Neurodivergence In Higher Educational Institutes In Pakistan. Ushna Batool Khan, Areeb Adnan Khan, Urooj Siddiqui, Neelma Bhatti. | INMIC’ 24: In Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Multi Topic Conference 2024. | pdf
- Griot-Style Methodology: Longitudinal Study of Navigating Design With Unwritten Stories. Lindah Kotut, Neelma Bhatti, Taha Hassan, Derek Haqq, Morva Saaty | CHI ’24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. | pdf | doi
- Empowering Deaf Children Through Tabeer-e-Isharaat, A Digital Educational Platform. Essa Athar Zuberi, Laiba Jamil, Razi Haider, Neelma Bhatti| IDC ’24: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference. | pdf | doi
- DYSIGN: Towards Computational Screening of Dyslexia and Dysgraphia Based on Handwriting Quality. Hana Ali Rashid, Tasmiya Malik, Iqra Siddiqui, Neelma Bhatti, Abdul Samad | IDC ’23: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference. | pdf | doi
- Intimate Narratives: An Assets-Based Approach To Develop Holistic Perspectives of Student Mothers’ Lives and Their Use of Technology in Parenting. Neelma Bhatti, Amarachi Blessing Mbakwe, Sandra Nnadi, Geetha Saarunya Clarke, D. Scott McCrickard, Aisling Kelliher, and Aakash Gautam | CSCW 22: The 25th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. | pdf | pdf(two column) | presentation | blog post | doi
- (Workshop paper) Re-Imagining Digital Technology And Media As Care-giving Assistant For Parents Of Young Children.
Neelma Bhatti , D. Scott McCrickard, Aisling Kelliher | CSCW 21 Workshop on The Future of Care Work: Towards a Radical Politics of Care in CSCW Research and Practice | pdf | weblink - Parenting, Studying And Working At Home In A Foreign Country: How International Student Mothers In The US Use Screen Media For And With Their Young Children.
Neelma Bhatti , Lindah Kotut, Derek Haqq, Timothy L. Stelter, Morva Saaty, D. Scott McCrickard, Aisling Kelliher | CSCW 21: The 24th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing | pdf | presentation | blog post | doi - (Work-in-Progress) Conversational User Interfaces As Assistive interlocutors For Young Children’s Bilingual Language Acquisition.
Neelma Bhatti , Timothy L Stelter, D. Scott McCrickard, Aisling Kelliher | IMX ’21: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences | pdf | presentation | doi - Designing Mobile Applications to Minimize Disorientation in Informal Learning Environments (Best Short Paper Honorable Mention Award)
Neelma Bhatti , Morva Saaty and D. Scott McCrickard | IDC ’21: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference | pdf | presentation | doi - (Workshop paper) Conversational User Interfaces As Assistive interlocutors For Young Children’s Bilingual Language Acquisition.
Neelma Bhatti , Timothy L Stelter and D. Scott McCrickard | 2021 ACM CHI Conference workshop Let’s Talk About CUIs: Putting Conversational User Interface Design Into Practice | pdf | presentation |
- (Poster) The Interactive Show: A Conversational Companion for Young Children and Childcare Assistant for Parents.
Neelma Bhatti , Timothy L. Stelter and D. Scott McCrickard | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction | pdf | doi | video - Revealing And Resolving Disorientation In An Online Course Module Of Java Programming.
Neelma Bhatti , Imdad Ali Ismaili, Lachhman Das Dhomeja, D Scott McCrickard, | 2020 15th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE) | Paper | pdf | presentation | - (Doctoral Consortium) Digital childcare: need of the hour for international student mothers
Neelma Bhatti IDC ’20: Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Extended Abstracts – June 2020 | doi| pdf | presentation | - Clash of Times: Respectful Technology Space for Integrating Community Stories in Intangible Exhibits.
Lindah Kotut , Neelma Bhatti , Morva Saaty, Derek Haqq, Timothy L. Stelter and D. Scott McCrickard | ACM CHI 2020 | pdf | doi
2017 – 2014
- Identifying and resolving disorientation in e-learning systems
Neelma Bhatti Imdad Ali Ismaili, Lachhman Das Dhomeja |2017 international conference on communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE) | doi | pdf - Improvement of students abilities for quality of software through personal software process.
Sobia Mansoor , Arifa Bhutto, Neelma Bhatti , Noorulain aamir Patoli, Mudassar Ahmed|2017 international conference on communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE) | doi | pdf
- Service discovery protocols in Pervasive Computing: A review.
Neelma Bhatti ,Lachhman Das Dhomeja, Yasir Arfat Malkani|17th IEEE International Multi Topic Conference 2014, 205-210 | doi | pdf